中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯7月27日消息,荷兰皇家壳牌集团周四暗示公司正在调整以适应疲软的油价,并报告第二季度公司利润出现增长,负债下降,现金流强劲。不过该公司同时也表示,公司并不急于再次扩大开支。壳牌首席执行长范伯登表示:“我们仍将保持自律。”他指出,壳牌的注意力仍将集中在资本效率、成本和发展新项目上。
庞晓华 摘译自 道琼斯
Royal Dutch Shell in No Rush to Start Spending Again
Royal Dutch Shell PLC indicated it is adjusting to weak oil prices Thursday, reporting increased profits, reduced debt and strong cash flow for the second quarter. But the company says it isn't rushing to start spending again. "We will remain very disciplined," CEO Ben van Beurden says. The company's focus will remain on capital efficiency, costs and delivering new projects, he says.