中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社1月20日胡拜尔报道,业内人士说,为了满足国内不断增加的能源需求,沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司计划提高其麾下的两个天然气厂哈维亚厂和哈拉德厂的天然气产量。
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Saudi Aramco To Boost Gas Production At Hawiyah, Haradh
Friday, January 20, 2017
KHOBAR, Saudi Arabia- Saudi Aramco plans to boost gas production at its Hawiyah and Haradh plants to meet growing domestic energy needs, industry sources said.
The projects, estimated to cost approximately $4 billion, would see engineering companies expand the processing capacity at Hawiyah by 1.3 billion standard cubic feet per day. Hawiyah gas plant currently processes 2.5 billion scfd of gas.
Raising gas production is key to Saudi Arabia's plan to diversify its energy mix by cutting its use of crude oil and liquids for power generation.
Aramco, the world's largest oil and gas company, would also boost production from Haradh by building gas compression plants and other facilities, the sources said. Hawiyah and Haradh are part of Ghawar, the world's largest onshore oilfield.
Aramco has asked companies to express their interests in participating in bidding for these projects while the actual bidding is expected to start in March.