据道琼斯9月14日消息,摩根士丹利能源研究主管Adam Longson表示,未来几个月美国以外的石油市场供需前景看起来不太有利,这已经从布伦特原油时间价差趋弱得到反映。他表示,未来几个月市场将迎来一段库存异常高企的时期,运费价格偏低使得油轮的浮式储油更为经济实惠。全球停工检修的炼油能力增至每日180万桶左右,这将减少石油需求,同时来自于北海和西非的供应继续增加。
Supply-Demand Outlook for Oil Markets is Weakening
[Dow Jones] The supply-demand outlook for oil markets outside the U.S. looks less favorable over coming months, which is being reflected in weaker time spreads for Brent crude, Adam Longson, head of energy research at Morgan Stanley says. He says the market faces a period of unusually high oil inventories in the coming months, with low freight rates making floating storage on tankers economic. Global oil refinery maintenance is also ramping up to around 1.8 million barrels a day, which will reduce oil demand, even as supplies from the North Sea and West Africa continue to rise.