据道琼斯9月14日消息,沙特石油公司勘探和开采业务前负责人Sadad al-Husseini表示,如果伊朗希望将石油产量提升至制裁前的水平,那么需要在其主要油田加大天然气注入投资力度。al-Husseini表示,占据伊朗石油产量80%的Asmari储藏区需要110亿立方英尺/天的注气量才能达到360万桶/天的石油产量,而当前所能获得的天然气量约为80亿立方英尺/天,因此需要大幅提高注气量水平。
Gas Injection Critical At Iran's Oilfields
Iran needs to invest in gas injection at its major oilfields if it wants to ramp up oil production to pre-sanctions levels. Sadad al-Husseini, an oil consultant who was formerly head of exploration and production for the Saudi Arabian Oil Company, believes that 11 billion cubic feet a day (cf/d) of gas is required at the Asmari reservoirs, which produce 80% of Iran's oil, to achieve 3.6 million barrels a day of output. "They have about 8 billion [cf/d] available and they will need to seriously crank up production," he says.