中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯7月16日消息,以富含石油的西德克萨斯和新墨西哥州的二叠纪盆地为首的美国主要页岩油生产区的石油产量预计下个月将继续增加,尽管一些人认为管道瓶颈将减缓石油产量的增长。美国能源信息署(EIA)的月度钻探生产率报告称,美国7个主要页岩油生产区的石油产量将在8月份将达到创纪录的750万桶/日,较本月增加14.3万桶/日。但该报告还显示,6月份美国主要页岩油生产区已钻取但未完成的油井数量增加了193口升至7943口,这是今年以来最大的月度增幅。这可能意味着企业仍在钻探油井,但正越来越多地推迟实际开采石油的时间。
曹海斌 摘译自 道琼斯
US Oil Output in Shale Zones to Hit 7.5M bpd
The US's main shale regions, led by the oil-rich Permian Basin of west Texas and New Mexico, is expected to continue to ramp up oil production growth next month despite pipeline bottlenecks that some felt would slow down activity. The EIA's monthly Drilling Productivity Report says production in the seven main shale regions will reach a record 7.5M bpd in August, up 143k bpd from this month. But the report also shows the drilled-but-uncompleted wells, or DUCs, rose by 193 to 7,943 in June, marking the biggest month-on-month rise this year. That may mean companies are still drilling wells, but are increasingly postponing the actual pumping of oil from them.