中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯7月25日伦敦报道,俄罗斯能源巨头俄气25日在莫斯科表示,作为俄气在2018年以后通过管道向中国供应天然气计划的一部分,俄气时下正在继续努力在中国推进刺激天然气需求。
李峻 编译
Russia's Gazprom continues efforts for gas demand creation in China
London (Platts)--25 Jul 2016
Russia's Gazprom is continuing its efforts to push for increased gas demand stimulation in China as part of its plans for supplying the country with gas via pipeline after 2018.
The prospects for Chinese gas demand growth are not as strong as they were a few years ago, which has dampened Beijing's appetite for increasing its options for Russian gas imports.
Now Gazprom is pushing to help create more demand, signing last month a new MoU agreement with China's state-owned CNPC on building gas-fired power stations in China.
And at the end of last week at a meeting in St Petersburg, the two sides approved the steps needed to implement the deal, which also includes cooperation on gas storage inside China.
"In the course of the meeting, the parties approved the road maps for implementing the MoU on underground gas storage and gas-fired power generation in China," Gazprom said.
Gazprom also said it wants to help boost the use of gas as a fuel in vehicles in China.
China is already a strong advocate of using gas in its public transportation fleet, and is hoping to boost domestic gas production through incentives for development of, for example, coalbed methane.