中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯7月18日消息,总部位于纽约的经纪公司Torino Capital首席经济学家Francisco Rodriguez表示,委内瑞拉石油消费的日益下降将部分弥补产量下降对该国财政的影响。2013年至2015年委内瑞拉石油消费量减少了10.6万桶/天,而且受经济活动以及汽车和配件销售下降的影响,下降的趋势或将持续。委内瑞拉国内高补贴的汽油销售量的下降将释放更多的石油按市场价格进行出口,从而提高该国的石油收入。
DJ Venezuelans' Falling Oil Use Seen Continuing
Venezuela's declining oil consumption will partially offset the impact of lower output on national finances, says Francisco Rodriguez, chief economist at New York-based brokerage Torino Capital. Domestic oil use fell 106K barrels/day from 2013-5, and the decline is likely to be ongoing "on the back of declining economic activity and car and parts sales." Lower sales of highly subsidized gasoline at home free up more oil to be exported at market prices, boosting revenues.