卡那封石油公司拥有Phoenix许可证的20%股份,担任该许可证作业者的Quadrant能源公司拥有40%股份,日本JX Nippon公司和Finder勘探公司各拥有20%的股份。
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Australia's Roc find estimated to contain up to 372 Bcf gas, 18 mil barrels condensate
Sydney (Platts)--17 Mar 2016
The Roc discovery in the Canning Basin off Western Australia has been estimated to contain a recoverable resource of up to 372 Bcf of gas and 18 million barrels of condensate, and is being eyed for a development which would start up next decade, partner Carnarvon Petroleum said Thursday.
The field contains additional prospective resources of 328 Bcf of gas and 16 million barrels of condensate, at the high estimate, according to assessment of results from the Roc-1 well.
Carnarvon holds 20% of the Phoenix permit, which is operated and 40% owned by Quadrant Energy, 20% by Japan's JX Nippon and 20% by Finder Exploration.