1、阀体采用精密铸造,圆滑式底座(阀 座)与包胶阐板紧闭密合达到无泄漏,无积物,流道畅通,启闭轻巧灵活。 2、阀体内腔涂以无毒环氧树脂,闸板 内外表面均以橡胶完全包覆,对水质无污 染,环保节能。 3、轴封采用多道 "0"型密封圈密封, 保证阀门绝无泄漏。 4、可广泛使用于自来水、污水、建筑、石油、化工、食品、医药、轻纺、电力、冶金、能源等系统洲本管道上作调节和截流装置使用。 5、可替代原Z44T-10, Z45T-10闸 阀产品,属环保型节能产品。 |
1.Valve body adopts the precise founding method to make the smooth fourxlaticn (valve seat) and encapsulate flashtoard close waling together, which can reach no leakage, no sedimentation, smooth fluid channel, easy and flexible open and close. 2.The valve cavity is painted with innoxiots epoxy and the interior and exterior surface of flashboard are fully packed with rubber, which have no pollution to water and can reach environmental protection and erergy saving. 3.Shaft seal is sealed with nxdti-channel type seal ring, which absolutely ersuires no leakage of valve. 4.Can be widely used in the systematic fluid pipeline such as water supply, senate. bulldings,petroleum, cl rmical inmistry, foodstuffs, medicine,light industry textile, txnver, metallurgy, energy, etc as the adjustment and fluid dam equipment. 5.Can substitute the fonner Z44T-10, Z45T-10 gate valve products. It belongs to the product with envinxmlental protection and energy saving. |