方泰锻钢止回阀有三种设计形式。 Taitong forged steel ball valv第一种是螺栓式阀盖,按这种设计形式设计的阀门,其阀本与阀
其阀体与阀盖用螺纹连接发,,内压自密封环密封。 止回阀存在的三种不同的设计结构,它们是升降式止回阀、球式止回阀和旋启式止回阀 Taitong forged ateel check valve has three types of bonnet .One is bolted bonnet,which the body is connected with bonet by bokts and sealed by spiral gasket(316SS filled flexible graphite),and available to follow metal sealing ring ofr special requirements by the client;one is welded bonnet,whhich the body is fully welded;another is pressure in ring.There are three different design of check valve:lifting check valve,ball type check valve and swing check valve.
设计结构与特征 1、设计与制造符合:MSSP-118和ASME B16.34 2、阀门检验和试验:按API 598 6、标记按MSS-SP-25
Design structure and feature 1、Design and manufacture:MSSP-118 and ASME B16.34 3、Valve inspection and test:API 598 6、Mark:MSS-SP-25
结构和特征 1、全径或缩径 2、升降式止回阀 3、球式止回阀 4、旋启式止回阀 5、按需求内置弹簧 6、螺栓连接、缠绕垫片密封式阀盖,螺纹、全焊密封式阀盖以及螺纹连接内压自紧式阀盖 7、承插商符合ASME B16.11 8、螺纹连接端(NPT)符合ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 9、阀瓣可变换为节流型、针型球型
Structure and feature 1.Full bore or reduced bore 2.Lift type check valve 3.Ball type check valve 4.Swing type check valve 5.Internal spring required 6.Bolted,spiral gasket sealing bonnet,screwed,fully welded and pressure-in bonnet 7.SW in conformity with ASME B16.11 8.Screwed(NPT)according to ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 9,Disk changeable for choke valve,needle type or ball type |