Fisher™ 99 型减压器的简单介绍出厂规格(例如类型、入口压力、温度、出口压力、弹簧范围、阀芯尺寸和阀座材质等)压印在出厂时禁固于调压器的铭牌上。Fisher™ 99 型减压器的详细信息费希尔Fisher 99 型气体调压器提供广泛的控制压力范围,能够用于多种输送、工业和商业应用。 99 型调压器带有一体化安装到执行机构外壳上的 61 型指挥器。 99 型调压器可以应对最高为 1000 psig / 69.0 bar 的入口压力。 此调节器的导套和阀座上标配 O 形圈密封件,可保持主阀体出口压力不受下部壳体组件中的出口压力干扰。广州奥丽斯特燃气设备有限公司是美国FISHER产品华南区域(广东省)艾默生集团授权代理商。2020美国FISHER技术选型020*叁贰贰0162张S中国费希尔调压网 【张工15876552411手机同微XIN】 功 能 精度高 无大气排放 可处理高入口压力 可针对特定服务进行轻松改装 关断严密 高流量压力控制 卓越的低流量控制 三种指挥器可供选择 规 格 阀体尺寸和端面连接方式 带 NPT、CL125 FF、CL150 RF、CL250 RF、CL300 RF 端部接口的 NPS 2 / DN 50 阀体 最大入口压力 160 psig / 11.0 bar:61LD 指挥器 最大出口压力 100 psig / 6.9 bar 出口压力范围 2 in. w.c. 至 100 psig / 5 mbar 至 6.9 bar 之间的九个范围 取压方式 内取压 温度适用范围 丁腈橡胶 (NBR) / 氯丁橡胶 (CR) / 尼龙 (PA):-20 至 180°F / -29 至 82°C Fisher Type 99 gas regulator provides controlled pressure ranges and capacities for distribution, industrial, and commercial applications. Type 99 regulator has a Type 61 pilot integrally mounted to the actuator casing. Type 99 regulator can handle up to 1000 psig / 69.0 bar inlet pressures. This regulator comes standard with O-ring seals on the guide bushing and valve carrier to keep main valve body outlet pressure from interfering with outlet pressure in the lower casing assembly. Features High Accuracy No Atmospheric Bleed Can Handle High Inlet Pressures Easily Modified for Special Service Tight Shutoff High-Capacity Pressure Control Excellent Low Flow Control Three Pilots to Choose From Specifications Body Sizes and End Connection Styles NPS 2 / DN 50 body with NPT, CL125 FF, CL150 RF, CL250 RF, CL300 RF end connections Maximum Inlet Pressure 160 psig / 11.0 bar: Type 61LD pilot 400 psig / 27.6 bar: Types 61L, 61LE, and 61H pilots 1000 psig / 69.0 bar: Type 61HP pilot with Type 1301F and Type H110 (1/2 / 13 mm orifice only) Maximum Outlet Pressures 100 psig / 6.9 bar Outlet Pressure Ranges 2-inches w.c. to 100 psig / 5 mbar to 6.9 bar in nine ranges Pressure Registration Internal Temperature Capabilities With Nitrile (NBR) / Neoprene (CR) / Nylon (PA): -20 to 180°F / -29 to 82°C With Fluorocarbon (FKM): 0 to 300°F / -18 to 149°C Fisher China Guangzhou Honest Gas Equipment Co., LTD. Tel:+86-020-32201622 Mobile phone|weixin:15876552411 |