阿姆斯壮1100气动调节阀的简单介绍阿姆斯壮1100气动调节阀阿姆斯壮1100气动调节阀的详细信息阿姆斯壮1100气动控制阀 控制不稳定。维修成本过高。还有由于找不到设定点而“来回摆动”的阀。这些都是控制阀常见问题。再熟悉不过的解决方案?技巧过多。你往往为控制阀很多不原本需要的功能支付额外的成本。 很多时候,将控制阀匹配到应用工况的过程是用“你能拿到的阀(例如,一台尺寸超大的执行器)来凑合”,而并不是用“你需要的阀”。效率低?当然,但是直到现在,这种问题依然难以避免。 不需高成本或……或很多维护,就可获得精确控制 阿姆斯壮1100气动控制阀能够按照您在为特定工况匹配控制阀时所需要的:灵活性。它填补了那些既昂贵又无法满足您所需要的控制的工业阀所留下的空白。阿姆斯壮控制阀专为蒸汽和热水供应而设计,非常适合用于无冰冻问题场合的控制,可提供DN15至DN40的连接尺寸。它可用于再热盘管、管道盘管、食品干燥机、熏肉机、瓦楞纸机、洗衣店和食物加工设备等多种场合。 标准的阿姆斯壮控制阀是利用弹力复原的反作用力工作的。它利用空气进行开阀,失效时为关闭状态(也可用空气关阀。请咨询厂商。)。该阀适用于大多数典型控制阀应用场合,同时保持可调范围度(最小可控流量)。 注意:用于水道控制时,必须反方向装阀。 阿姆斯壮1100气动控制阀产品描述 :*1100系列阀门是一种单阀座二通球形阀,能够满足过程控制和电力行业的绝大多数控制应用要求 *内件从顶部插入阀体,阀盖采用螺栓连接,以方便对所有内部零件进行在线检查和维护,或进行内件更换 *流线型流道设计,保证大流量顺利通过 *可提供不同的内件,以满足不同应用场合的需要。为了满足精控制的需要还可以提供缩小Cv值的内件选择 *带有顶部衬套制导阀塞得内件结构简单,运行稳定,确保高可调范围和调节比,最适用于无泄漏要求气密性关断场合的应用 *可提供微内件控制分钟流速 *具有大制导阀塞得内件可以获得完全的压力平衡效果,为高压下的应用提供了经济的选择 *阶梯式内件—单级,双级和三级多孔内件在控制阀内形成有效的噪音控制系统,并可防止气蚀形成 *产品可提供多种材质,包括NACE MR-D1-75标注材质 性能参数:连接方式:法兰 阀体材质:碳钢 公称通径:DN15-DN750 可调范围:30:1标准(根据需要,可提供50:1或更高) 配 件:气动阀门,电-气阀门(E/P),空气减压过滤器,空气量调节器,限位开关,接触开关,电磁阀,位置传感器。 Python1100 Series Control Valves Squeezing Out Performance When accurate control is desired from your steam or water applications, the Armstrong Python 1100 Series Control Valve will squeeze every bit of performance out of your system and deliver precise control. With a wide range of materials, sizes, trim, and other features, you are sure to find that the Python can accurately control your system. The Python 1100 Series Control Valve is constructed and equipped with state of the art materials. Series 1100 valves are globe two-way single seated body design valves, which satisfy the majority of control applications for HVAC, industrial and commercial markets. Body with top entry trim and bolted bonnet facilitates easy access to all internal parts for in-line inspection, maintenance and trim replacement. Stream line flow path provides large flow capacity. Variety of trim options available to satisfy vast application range including reduced port trims, enabling nearest accurate selection for precise control requirements. Trims with top bush guided plugs are available with simple construction for stable operation, assuring high rangeability and turndown ratios. Micro trims available for control of minute flow rates. Trims with large guide plugs are available for full pressure balancing effect providing an economical choice for high pressure applications. All parts are renewable in-line. Pneumatic and electro-pneumatic positioners Carbon steel body construction Reverse and direct acting multi-spring actuators Available in 1/2" - 2" NPT and 2-1/2" - 4" ANSI flange design Rated for Class IV shut-off