ZZYVP型氮封装置的简单介绍无需外加能源,能在无电,无气的场合工作,既方便又节约能源,降低成本!ZZYVP型氮封装置的详细信息ZZYVP带指挥器调压阀无需外加能源,利用被调介质自身能量为动力源,引入压力阀的指挥器以控制压力阀芯位置, 改变流经阀门介质流量,使阀门后端压力保持恒定。公称压力有1.0、1.6Mpa;压力分段调节从0.5至1000Kpa,工作 温度0~100℃;法兰标准按GB9113-88,凸面法兰。结构长度按GB12221-89标准。 产品特点: 主要零件材料
Detailed Product Description
ZZY/ZZC/ZZVself-operated pressure regulating valve 1) It is performer products achieving the self-regulation though the self-force of the controlled medium and saving energy at the same time. The setting valve of the pressure and temperature may be regulated freely in the process of operation which has the feature of quick opening flow. With a number of advantages such as the highly sensitive motion,stable controlled parameter, high-precision regulation, and small leak volume, the products are extensively applied to the automatic control for the pressure and temperature under various working conditions 2) Type: ZZY standard/ZZYP pilot/ZZC difference pressure/ZZV tiny pressure. Main technical parameters:
① Nominal size: DN20-350mm
② Nominal pressure: PN16--PN100
③ Flange standards: GB
④ Leakage class: GB(ZZYP)≤IV, GB(ZZYN or ZZYM)≤II
⑤ Body’s material: WCB/ Stainless