卡箍式不锈钢气动隔膜阀的简单介绍最大工作压力:10bar 驱动方式:气动 最大工作温度:180℃ 适用介质:EPDM-蒸汽 PTFE-水、酒精、油、燃料、蒸汽、中性气体或液体、有机溶剂、酸碱溶液等卡箍式不锈钢气动隔膜阀的详细信息特点: 1.弹性密封的开闭件,阀体密封堰槽采用弧形设计结构,确保没有内漏; 1. Elastic sealing/ packing and arc weir seal design of valve body insure without leak; 2.流线型的流道,使得阻力减小; 2. Streamline valve design can decrease the friction and resistance of valve; 3.阀体与盖被中间隔膜隔开,使得隔膜上方的阀盖,阀杆等零件不受介质侵蚀; 3. Valve body and bonnet are separated by diaphragms in order to prevent valve parts, such as bonnets and steam from corrasion; 4.隔膜可更换,维护费用低 4. Diaphragms can be changed in order to low the maintenance cost; 5.目测式位置显示开关状态 5. Seeable device can indicate the on-of state; 6.多种表面抛光技术,无死角,在正常位置下无残留。 6. Advanced polishing process insures be sanitary, without dead angle and residue; 7.结构紧凑,适用与狭小的空间。 7. Compact construction is suitable for valve installation with small space; 8.膜片符合DFA及UPS等权威机构对药品和食品行业规定的安全标准。 8. Diaphragms satisfy all the sanitary standards and conditions of DFA and UPS. |