中国石化新闻网讯 据东京普氏能源资讯7月2日消息,东京——在沙特阿拉伯和科威特共享的中立区,Khafji油田正准备在2019年重新投产,日本stoyo工程公司周一表示。
该公司表示,该公司已同意与位于中立区的哈夫吉(Khafji)和豪特(Hout)油田的运营商哈夫吉(Al-Khafji)联合运营公司(Al-Khafji Joint Operations)续签最初于2002年签署的通用工程服务协议。
KJO公司由Aramco Gulf Operations Co.和Kuwait Gulf Oil Co.以50:50的价格拥有。
科威特石油部长Bakheet al-Rashidi于6月26日对科威特国民议会表示,由于“技术”原因,科威特已经停止了哈夫基油田和陆上瓦夫拉油田的生产,并将在与沙特达成协议后立即恢复生产。
2014年10月,运营商沙特阿美(Saudi Aramco)单方面关闭了30万桶/dKhafji油田的生产,理由是政府出台了新的天然气燃除排放标准。KGOC和沙特阿拉伯雪佛龙(Chevron)运营的陆上Wafra油田在2015年5月停止了开采。
Tokyo — The Khafji oil field in the Partitioned Neutral Zone shared by SaudiArabia and Kuwait is being prepared to restart production in 2019, Japan'sToyo Engineering said Monday.
Register Now Toyo has agreed to a third renewal of its general engineering servicesagreement, originally signed in 2002, with Al-Khafji Joint Operations,operator of the Khafji and Hout oil fields located in the neutral zone, itsaid.
KJO is owned 50:50 by Aramco Gulf Operations Co. and Kuwait Gulf Oil Co.
Under the GESA, which will remain valid until 2023, Toyo said it willsupport KJO on the project planning feasibility study, FEED and technicalsupport for operations of the oil fields.
"Maximum oil production rate of the fields is 350,000 b/d," Toyo said."Because of oil price recovery, KJO starts the preparation work tore-produce the oil from the fields from 2019," it added.
Kuwait oil minister Bakheet al-Rashidi told the Kuwaiti National Assemblyon June 26 that production had been stopped in the offshore Khafji andonshore Wafra fields for "technical" reasons, and would restart as soon as anagreement with Saudi Arabia was reached.
"We are working with the Saudi side to address these technical reasonsand soon we will return to production," Rashidi was quoted as saying by theKuwait News Agency.
Operator Saudi Aramco unilaterally shut production from the 300,000 b/dKhafji field in October 2014, citing new government emission standards for gasflaring. The onshore Wafra field, operated by KGOC and Saudi Arabian Chevron,stopped pumping in May 2015.
Sources in Kuwait, however, told S&P Global Platts earlier thatfacilities at both fields have been mothballed, so restarts at the fieldscould take months.