中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社网站5月1日休斯敦报道,过去几十年里,油价的大幅上涨一直是直截了当的:更高的价格意味着离岸项目比以往任何时候都更加深入、更加复杂。
根据荷兰皇家壳牌有限公司(Royal Dutch Shell Plc)的数据,这次情况有所不同。
壳牌项目和技术主管哈里?布雷克曼斯(Harry Brekelmans)周一接受采访时表示,深水项目需要突破40美元/桶,甚至更低,这几乎是2014年油价暴跌之前一些项目成本的一半。
周一,全球基准布伦特原油(Brent crude)在伦敦上涨至每桶75美元以上。
蔡小全 编译自 彭博社
As oil hits $75, Shell wants deepwater costs at $40 or below
The Big Oil playbook has been straightforward for decades: Higher prices mean offshore projects that are further, deeper, more complex than ever before.
It’s different this time, according to Royal Dutch Shell Plc.
Deepwater projects need to break even at $40/bbl, or preferably lower, said Harry Brekelmans, Shell’s project and technology director, in an interview Monday, That’s almost half the cost of some projects commissioned before the 2014 oil-price crash, he said.
On Monday, Brent crude, the global benchmark, rose to more than $75/bbl in London.
Cutting out waste, simplifying the design, buying standardized equipment from suppliers rather than bespoke items.
Brekelmans says it is -- about three quarters of the cost cuts are “structural,” he said.