中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯3月22日消息,荷兰皇家壳牌集团周三称,公司旗下下游业务转型将推动公司盈利增长前景,预计2020年前下游业务内生性自由现金流将达到60亿-70亿美元。
唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯
DJ Shell Forecasts Profit Drive on Downstream Transformation
Royal Dutch Shell PLC (RDSA.LN) said Wednesday that its transforming downstream business is driving a profitable growth outlook for the company, forecasting that organic free-cash-flow in the division will be in a range of between $6 billion and $7 billion by 2020.
The oil company also said it forecast free-cash-flow in its downstream business--which deals with the refining and processing of hydrocarbons before selling the resultant products--of between $9 billion and $12 billion by 2025, at a price of $60 a barrel.
The company said earnings from its chemicals division is expected to reach from $3.5 billion to $4 billion a year by 2025, while Shell's marketing arm plans to generate more than $2.5 billion in additional earnings by the same year.