中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯2月21日消息,法国石油巨头道达尔公司勘探和生产业务总裁Arnaud Breuillac周二在伦敦的国际石油周发表讲话时表示,2040年前全球约一半的能源需求仍将来自于石油和天然气。但Breuillac表示,未来20年道达尔的天然气项目数量预计将超过石油项目。他补充道:“我们需要整合天然气价值链,在油田开发方面,我们需要寻求拥有业绩弹性的石油项目,我们将会更加精心挑选项目并提高效率。”
唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯
Gas Projects to Outpace Oil in Coming Decades, Total Says
Roughly half of the world's energy will still come from oil and gas by 2040, Arnaud Breuillac, president for exploration and production at Total, says during the International Petroleum Week conference in London Tuesday. But Mr. Breuillac says that over the next 20 years Total expects to have more gas than oil projects. "We need to integrate the value chain of gas," he said. In terms of oil field development, he added, "we need to go for resilient oil projects-we're going to be much more selective and efficient."