中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯10月16日消息,巴克莱分析师称,到2025年化工业务可能会给荷兰皇家壳牌集团贡献高达五分之一的自由现金流。该行还称,化工业务是大型石油公司中一块被忽视和被误解的业务。按照壳牌为该业务制定的计划(包括每年高达15亿美元的资本支出),巴克莱估计,该业务在10年内有可能为公司产生15%-20%的自由现金流。壳牌为化工业务新制定的中期目标超过了外界预期。
唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯
Shell's Chemical Unit May Become Major Cash Flow Driver
Chemicals could make up as much as one-fifth of Royal Dutch Shell's free cash flow by 2025, say Barclays analysts, adding that chemicals are an overlooked and misunderstood element of big oil. Barclays reckons that Shell's plans for its chemicals division--including capital expenditure of up to $1.5 billion a year--could see the unit generate 15%-20% of Shell's free cash flow within the decade. The oil company's new, medium-term aspirations for its chemicals business have exceeded expectations.