据美国彭博新闻社8月10日河内报道,越南唯一炼油企业榕桔炼油和石化公司董事长Nguyen Hoai Giang说,在权衡了来自战略投资者的潜在报价以后,该公司预计在11月7日的首次公开募股(IPO)中将从出售4%股份中筹集到大约1.9万亿盾(8400万美元)。
Giang在河内的一次采访中说,经营着越南唯一炼油厂Dung Quat炼油厂的榕桔炼油和石化公司时下正在等待越南政府批准其在IPO中出售1.32亿股票的计划。
李峻 编译自 彭博新闻社
Vietnam's Sole Refinery Plans $84 Million IPO on November 7
Binh Son Refinery & Petrochemical Co. expects to raise about 1.9 trillion dong ($84 million) from selling a 4 percent stake during an initial public offering November 7 while it weighs potential bids from strategic investors, Chairman Nguyen Hoai Giang said.
The company, which operates Vietnam’s only refinery, Dung Quat Oil Refinery, is awaiting government approval for its plan to offer 132 million shares in the IPO, Giang said in an interview in Hanoi. The proposed initial share price is 14,600 dong each, he said. The company expects to sell 49 percent of the refinery to strategic investors next year, Giang added.