中国石化新闻网讯据道琼斯12月16日消息,北欧斯安银行分析师Bjarne Schieldrop称,欧佩克最近通过减产来提振油价的决定可能开启美国页岩油生产的闸门。在欧佩克11月30日的会议前,他曾表示欧佩克不应当减产。Schieldrop表示,如果继续忽略美国石油钻井平台数量增加的情况,未来产量大增势头将不可阻挡。如果油价维持在每桶50-55美元区间,可能令之前大量难以为继的页岩油生产恢复供应。
OPEC Needs to Be Alert to Potential Shale Oil Flood
OPEC's recent decision to prop up oil prices by deciding to cut output may open the flood gates for U.S. shale oil, says SEB bank analyst Bjarne Schieldrop who, prior to OPEC's Nov. 30 meeting, had said the cartel shouldn't cut output. Mr. Schieldrop says that if the rise in the number of drilling rigs in the U.S. continues to be ignored, nothing will be able to stop the coming wave of production. If oil prices remain in the $50-$55 a barrel bracket, it will make a lot of previously unaffordable shale oil affordable.