中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯12月13日消息,国际能源署(IEA)在其月度报告中称,主要产油国的减产计划不太可能步调一致地实施,受合同和物流因素影响,可能需要比一些人的预期更长的时间才能完全实施,因为因此接下来几周对石油市场确定该计划是否实行以及油价是否会继续上涨至关重要。该机构还表示,减产协议为期六个月,市场应给予产油国时间来做好准备,然后再对产量情况进行重新评估。
Oil Output Cuts May Take Time, Says IEA
The planned cuts from major-oil producing countries may not fall neatly into place and may take longer to implement than some expect due to contractual and logistical reasons, so the next weeks will be crucial for the oil market to determine whether the proposals are implemented and if higher prices remain, the International Energy Agency says in its monthly report. Adds that the output deal is for six months and the market should allow time for producers to get organized before the output situation is reassessed.