中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯11月14日消息,壳牌公司已经有了新的发展方向。这家石油巨头今年早些时候收购了英国天然气集团(BG),从而成为全球领先的液化天然气(LNG)出口商,同时成为巴西主要的深水油气公司之一。该交易还帮助壳牌管理层将关注焦点放在了公司的重组上以降低成本和支出。刚刚在美国和巴西与壳牌的高级领导层度过了一周的伯恩斯坦公司称:“壳牌对利润的新关注和我们的观点一致。伯恩斯坦公司称,壳牌致力于打造一个能够以持续派发股息来抵挡低油价不利影响的计划非常吸引人。
Royal Dutch Shell Has a New Direction, Says Bernstein
Royal Dutch Shell has a new direction. The oil giant's acquisition of BG Group earlier this year, propelled it into the world's top liquefied natural gas exporter and a major deep water player in Brazil. It also helped management focus on restructuring the company to lower costs and spending. Just back from a week in the U.S. and Brazil with Shell's senior management, Bernstein says the new focus on the bottom line "resonated." The company's commitment to build a business resilient to low oil prices with a sustainable dividend is appealing.