中国石化新闻网讯 据悉,埃克森美孚周二宣布,公司正在得克萨斯州的博蒙特新建一套65万吨/年的聚乙烯(PE)装置。埃克森美孚表示,建设工作已经开始,该装置计划在2019年建成投产。但是埃克森美孚没有说明该装置将生产什么类型的PE。
此外埃克森美孚当前正在得克萨斯州Mont Belvieu新建另外两套65万吨/年的PE生产装置,计划在明年下半年建成投产。
埃克森美孚当前在博蒙特拥有六套PE生产装置,合计产能为120万吨/年。其中一套装置生产高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)、三套装置生产线性低密度聚乙烯(LLDPE),还有两套装置生产低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)。埃克森美孚当前在Mont Belvieu已经拥有三套PE装置,合计产能为117万吨/年,其中两套生产LLDPE,另一套24万吨/年的HDPE装置正扩能至30万吨/年,预计2017年完成扩能。
庞晓华摘译自《Chemical Week》2016-11-14
ExxonMobil announces 650,000 metric ton PE project at Beaumont, Texas
2:46 PM MST | November 14, 2016 | Clay Boswell
ExxonMobil today announced that it is building a 650,000-metric tons/year polyethylene (PE) unit at its Beaumont, Texas, facility. Construction has already begun, and startup is scheduled for 2019, says the company, which did not specify the type of PE that will be produced.
The new capacity is additional to two other 650,000-metric ton/year PE lines being built at ExxonMobil’s Mont Belvieu, Texas, facility. Both are expected to begin production in the second half of 2017.
ExxonMobil currently has six PE lines totaling 1.2 million metric tons/year of capacity at Beaumont. One line produces high-density PE (HDPE), three produce linear low-density PE (LLDPE), and two produce low-density PE (LDPE). The company has three PE lines totaling 1.17 million metric tons in place at Mont Belvieu, two producing LLDPE. A 240,000-metric ton/year HDPE line is being expanded to 300,000 metric tons/year, with the new capacity available in 2017.