中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社7月18日迪拜报道,伊朗石油部门的一名高管18日在德黑兰接受伊朗石油部新闻网站Shana记者采访时表示,伊朗将在未来的两周内发布一份有资格参加旨在开发伊朗油气田招标的国际能源公司的初步名单。
李峻 编译
Iran to Name International Oil Companies Eligible to Take Part in Tenders
Monday, July 18, 2016
DUBAI, July 18 – Iran will issue a preliminary list of international energy companies eligible to take part in tenders to develop its oil and gas fields within the next two weeks, a senior Iranian oil official said on Monday.
"Not all foreign companies active in the oil industry can participate in Iran's tenders," Ali Kardor, managing director of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), was quoted as saying by the oil ministry's news agency SHANA on Monday.
"Only those international companies that meet the standards of NIOC will be chosen." Kardor said that, apart from U.S. companies, there were only around 37 companies in the world that might meet Iran's standards.
"After creating the first list of international companies, a limited tender will be held,"Kardor added.
The tenders will be based on Iran's new oil and gas contracts (IPCs) which have yet to be unveiled after some amendments.