据美国能源信息署(EIA)最新发布的短期能源展望报告称,受新建化工装置的刺激,2015年前美国工业天然气需求将继续增 ,预计2014年的平均消费量为213亿立方英尺/天,2015年将达到221亿立方英尺/天,增幅为4%。
2015年美国有两套大型生产设施将投产,包括位于得克萨斯州Clear Lake的一套甲醇装置,和一套位于韦弗尔的化肥-尿素装置,这将支撑工业天然气需求继续增长。
EIA: US industrial gas demand to rise 4% in 2015
By OGJ editors
Relatively low prices of natural gas have contributed to steady increases in US industrial gas consumption since 2009, especially as a feedstock for chemical production.
According to the US Energy Information Administration’s most recent Short-Term Energy Outlook, growth in US industrial demand will continue through 2015, with consumption averaging 21.3 bcfd in 2014 and 22.1 bcfd in 2015, a 4% increase, boosted by newly proposed chemical plants.
Two methanol plants are set to begin service this year—a small facility in Pampa, Tex., and another in Geismar, La. A handful of fertilizer plants have begun service.
Continued growth in industrial demand is also supported by two large facilities coming online in 2015, a methanol plant in Clear Lake, Tex., and a fertilizer-urea plant in Wever.