据11月20日Energy Voice报道,英国北海有能力成为能源转型的领跑者。普华永道(PwC)和OGUK共同进行的研究表明,一个新的低碳时代已经“降临”,英国海上石油和天然气行业可能“塑造”绿色经济新主体。
上个月,该公司及其合作伙伴对Hywind Tampen海上风电场做出了最终投资决定,该风电场将为Snorre和Gullfaks的设备设施提供电力。
普华永道英国(PwC UK)能源行业主管德鲁 史蒂文森(Drew Stevenson)表示:“向低碳世界过渡是具有必要性和紧迫性。正如我们的报告所表明的那样,北海有着巨大的潜力,能够在能源转型中发挥重要作用,为推动世界迈向清洁能源开创先例,树立典范。人们也希望北海工业可以在能源转型中发挥重要作用。投资者的关注点正在迅速地转向低碳技术,而规模较小的勘探和生产企业正在寻找降低其生产经营业务中碳足迹的方法。”
王佳晶 摘译自 Energy Voice
North Sea can be energy transition front-runner, report says
The UK North Sea has the tools to be a front-runner in the energy transition, a new report said.
The study, by PwC and OGUK, said a new, low carbon era had “dawned” and that UK offshore oil and gas sector could “shape” the shift to a green economy.
And the “pace of change will remain relentless” as countries strive to hit climate change targets, they added, before highlighting opportunities for the oil and gas sector play its part.
The sector is alive to the challenge. At the Offshore Europe Conference in September, OGUK published a “roadmap” calling for the industry to transform the North Sea into a basin with net-zero emissions.
PwC and OGUK’s report said carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) could become a “major aspect” of life in the UK North Sea, which contains extensive infrastructure that could channel carbon dioxide into depleted oil and gas fields.
Equinor’s Sleipner field has been used for carbon capture and storage (CCS) since 1996.
PwC and OGUK also said renewable energy sources like offshore wind and solar were in line to replace inefficient, polluting gas turbines on some offshore platforms.
The report authors did point out that Equinor was already exploring this option for some of its platforms in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea.
Last month, the company and its partners made a final investment decision on the Hywind Tampen offshore wind farm, which will power the Snorre and Gullfaks installations.
The UK North Sea could also play a major role in hydrogen production, storage and transportation, according to the study.
Drew Stevenson, energy sector leader at PwC UK, said: “There is a necessary urgency to move to a low carbon world. As our report illustrates, there is huge potential for the North Sea to play a significant role in the energy transition, setting a precedent for facilitating the move to a clean energy future.
“The appetite exists for the North Sea energy industry to play a significant role in the transition.
“Investor sentiment is rapidly becoming more committed to low carbon technologies while smaller exploration and production companies are looking at ways to reduce the carbon footprint of their operations.”