据世界天然气网站11月5日消息 位于英国米尔福德港水路岸边的South Hook液化天然气终端计划在未来几天内接收三批液化天然气货物。
三批货物中的第一批来自卡塔尔拉斯拉凡综合设施,由21.7万立方米液化天然气船Al Shamal上运输,该船定于11月6日星期三停靠在South Hook终端。
第二批货物定于11月9日几天后到达,这批货物来自美国科珀斯克里斯蒂液化天然气终端,由15.7万立方米的Seri Balqis液化天然气船运输。
第三批货物来自美国路易斯安那州Sabine Pass液化天然气终端,由GasLog Skagen液化天然气运输船运输,该船容量为15.5万立方米。
卡塔尔石油、埃克森美孚和道达尔所有的South Hook液化天然气终端可以提供英国约20%的天然气需求。
吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气
UK awaiting LNG cargoes from Qatar, US
The South Hook LNG terminal on the shores of UK’s Milford Haven waterway is scheduled to receive three cargo deliveries in the coming days.
The first of the three cargoes is being transported onboard the 217,000 cbm LNG carrier Al Shamal from Qatar’s Ras Laffan complex. The vessel is scheduled to dock at South Hook’s jetty on Wednesday, November 6.
The second cargo is scheduled to arrive only a couple of days later on November 9. The cargo will arrive onboard the Seri Balqis 157,000 LNG carrier from the Corpus Christi LNG terminal in the United States.
The third and final is also arriving from the U.S. but from the Sabine Pass LNG terminal in Louisiana. It will arrive via the GasLog Skagen LNG carrier which has a capacity of 155,000 cbm.
The South Hook LNG terminal, owned by Qatar Petroleum, ExxonMobil, and Total, can provide around 20 percent of Britain’s natural gas requirements.