中国石化新闻网讯 据LNG World News 9月24报道,日本将投资100亿美元来推动全球液化天然气的广泛使用,以减轻严重依赖中东石油所带来的潜在影响。
日本政府此前曾在2017年的会议上承诺提供100亿美元的支持。该国通过四个大型项目实现了这一目标,这其中包括由三菱、壳牌、马来西亚国家石油公司、中石油和韩国天然气公司组建的合资企业 LNG Canada,以及由三井注资的诺瓦泰克(Novatek)的北极项目。
王桌芳 摘译自LNG World News
Japan to break dependence from Middle East oil with $10bn LNG investment
Japan could invest up to $10 billion to advance wider use of LNG globally to alleviate the potential effects of heavy reliance on oil from the Middle East.
The fuel enables energy importers to reduce their traditional reliance on crude oil from countries clustered in the Middle East, where U.S. sanctions on Iran and the recent drone attack on Saudi oil facilities raised questions about the supply outlook. Japan sources nearly 90 percent of oil from the region.
With LNG, the supply risk is spread out. Namely, the Middle East accounts for 60 percent of global net exports of crude oil but just 20 percent of net LNG exports. LNG can be sourced from other locations such as Russia, Australia, African nations, as well as the U.S.
Japan will also layout plans to train 500 experts in such areas as LNG receiving technology and drafting of environmental regulations, in anticipation of stronger demand for the fuel.
The government previously promised $10 billion of support at the 2017 conference. It met this target with four large-scale projects, including LNG Canada – a joint venture of Mitsubishi, Shell, Petronas, PetroChina, and Korea Gas – and Novatek’s Arctic-2 project, partly funded by Mitsui & Co.