中国石化新闻网讯 据世界能源网8月5日消息称,雷斯塔能源预计,与过去五年相比,未来五年在海上和陆上勘探钻井方面的投资将翻一番。传统的陆上需求将由亚洲、非洲和南美推动。
曹海斌 摘译自 世界能源网
Investments in Exploration Drilling to Double
Rystad Energy sees investments both in offshore and onshore exploration drilling doubling in the next five years, compared to the last five years. Conventional onshore demand will be driven by Asia, Africa and South America.
Europe on the other hand, will be a hot spot for offshore exploration, led by investments on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, the energy research and business intelligence company said.
In the past few years conventional exploration drilling has been on a rocky road, dropping from 3000 exploration wells drilled in 2012 down to just 900 wells in 2016 – a whopping 70% decrease.
Exploration has been constrained not only by lower oil prices, but also other major shakeups in the hydrocarbon industry such as the shale revolution in the US.
As a consequence of low exploration activity, discovered resources have been insufficient to replace produced resources.
The past decade has seen an immense drop in discovered liquid volumes from 29 billion barrels discovered in 2010, bottoming out at 4 billion barrels discovered in 2016.