中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯7月31日东京报道,普氏能源资讯公司周三公布的数据显示,日本7月汽油需求预计已降至1993年7月以来的最低水平,因为该国多年来最凉爽、降雨最多的夏季对该国的驾驶季节造成了冲击。
据普氏贸易流量软件cFlow显示,载满油气的MR型清洁油轮Sunshine Express于周一从韩国丽水抵达仙台。
JXTG 能源公司发言人拒绝就公司是否在仙台的Sunshine Express上收到来自韩国的汽油货物发表评论。
日本JXTG 能源拒绝就其炼油厂问题及推迟重启炼油厂的原因发表评论。
裘寅 编译自 普氏能源资讯
Japan's July gasoline demand seen lowest since 1993
Japan's gasoline demand in July is estimated to have fallen to its lowest level since July 1993 as the country's coolest and rainiest summer in years takes a hit on the country's driving season, data compiled by S&P Global Platts showed Wednesday.
Estimated gasoline demand stood at around 4.26 million kiloliters or 864,340 b/d in July, down 8% from a year ago as rainy weather and temperatures lower than last year and the 30-day average cut driving demand for the holiday season, according to the country's largestrefiner JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy.
"This is a shocking figure" for one of Japan's peak gasoline demand months, a Japanese refiner source said.
Gasoline demand in July is expected to be the lowest since July 2013, when gasoline sales stood at 4.24 million kl, according to data from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
The cool summer weather and a rainy season that ended later than last year were among the key factors to push gasoline demand lower in July, another refiner source said.
The rainy season ended weeks, and in some cases up to a month, later than last year in most regions across the country, according tothe Japan Metrological Agency.
However, a source with another Japanese refiner said gasoline demand "was sluggish regardless of the prolonged rainy season and low temperatures in July," noting that supply and demand was somewhat balanced due in part to some refinery issues.
JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy, meanwhile, has bought one medium range-sized gasoline cargo for delivery at the end of July for its 145,000 b/d Sendai refinery, where it is currently running a scheduled refinery turnaround, a source with direct knowledge of the matter told Platts on July 24. The Sendai refinery maintenance is scheduled to last until early August.
The laden MR clean tanker Sunshine Express arrived at Sendai on Monday from South Korea's Yeosu, according to Platts trade flow software cFlow.
A JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy spokesman declined to comment on whether it is receiving a gasoline cargo from South Korea on the Sunshine Express at Sendai.
JXTG's refinery issues included reformer issues at the 235,000 b/d Kawasaki refinery in Tokyo Bay and lower runs at the 120,000 b/d Marifu refinery as a result of drought in western Japan, market source said.
JXTG restarted the 90,000 b/d No. 3 CDU at its 180,000 b/d Mizushima-B plant on July 11 and the sole 135,000 b/d CDU at its Sakai refinery in western Japan on July 16. Both had been delayed from scheduled restarts in early July after completing scheduled maintenance programs.
JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy declined to comment on its refinery issues nor the reasons for delays of its refinery restarts.