中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社4月2日报道称,卡塔尔石油公司首席执行官周二在上海召开的LNG 2019会议上表示,未来15年,全球液化天然气需求将以每年2%的速度增长。
卡塔尔能源事务国务部长、卡塔尔石油公司总裁兼首席执行官Saad Al-Kaabi表示,日本和韩国等发达市场的增长将是温和的,而在经过多年停滞后,欧洲市场将会出现一些增长。
徐蕾 摘译自 路透社
Global LNG demand to grow 2% a year for next 15 years
Global demand for liquefied natural gas will grow at 2 percent a year for the next 15 years, the chief executive of Qatar Petroleum said at the LNG2019 conference in Shanghai on Tuesday.
Growth in developed markets such as Japan and South Korea will be moderate, while there will be some growth in Europe after years of stagnation, said Saad Al-Kaabi, Qatar's minister of state for energy affairs as well as president and chief executive of Qatar Petroleum.
"China, along with India, will continue to lead Asia as the main drivers behind the growth of global LNG demand," Al-Kaabi said at the conference, according to a press release later issued by Qatar Petroleum
Qatar has shipped more than 50 million tonnes of LNG to China, more than 22 percent of China's imports of the fuel over the past ten years, he said.
Al-Kaabi said demand for gas will continue to rise due to the growing concerns over the environment and climate change, and widespread moves towards using cleaner and more cost-effective fuels.