中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯2月20日消息,对于澳大利亚东海岸的三大液化天然气(LNG)企业来说,这是最好的结果吗?能源咨询公司EnergyQuest进行的一项为期一年的研究显示,由于天然气供应短缺和天然气转向国内市场,到下一个10年中期,昆士兰州规模840亿美元的LNG产业将有三分之一的部分面临停产的危险。这三个项目都依赖于博恩盆地和苏拉特盆地的煤层气。与西海岸的LNG工厂相比,这两个盆地的煤层气资源有限。EnergyQuest指出,这三家东海岸LNG工厂2018年的平均产能利用率仅为82%。该公司预计,到2025年格莱斯顿LNG工厂可能会面临停产。
唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯
Australia's East Coast LNG Operations Face a Crunch
Is this as good as it gets for east coast Australia's three big liquefied natural gas operations? A year-long study by consultancy EnergyQuest suggests Queensland state faces a partial shutdown of a third of its barely decade-old A$84 billion LNG industry by the middle of the next decade due to natural-gas supply shortages and diversions of gas to the domestic market. All three projects rely on coal-seam gas from the Bowen and Surat basins, a less conventional source than feeds west coast LNG plants. EnergyQuest notes the three east coast plants only operated at an average 82% of capacity in 2018. It expects crunch time by 2025, likely prompting production shutdowns at the Gladstone facilities.