中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯丹佛12月14日消息 太平洋天然气和电力存储系统的库存在进入供暖季节的历史最低水平,这可能导致今年冬天价格上涨。
吴慧丹 摘译自 普氏能源资讯
Inventories on the Pacific Gas & Electric storage system entered the heating season at historically low levels, which could likely lead to upward pressure on prices this winter.
Entering the winter, PG&E storage inventories were 145 Bcf, which was 66 Bcf below 2017 and 65 Bcf below the five-year average. Despite inventories being so depressed, stockpiles still appeared sufficient to withstand a normal or colder-than-average winter. However, sustained high demand so far this winter may lead to steep storage deficits later this winter and strong upward pressure on PG&E balance of winter prices.
PG&E on-system demand has averaged 2.63 Bcf/d winter to date, the strongest level this early in the season since 2013, according to data from S&P Global Platts Analytics. The elevated early season demand has caused PG&E to pull a total of 25.4 Bcf from storage, which is also the largest early season storage withdrawal since 2013.
With current inventories at 120 Bcf and following along the same withdrawal patterns as the winter of 2013/2014, storage inventories stand to lose another 103 Bcf, which would place season-ending inventories at their lowest levels in history by more than 50 Bcf. The likelihood of both demand and storage activity following the polar vortex winter exactly is unlikely; however, it does paint a concerning picture for inventory levels exiting the winter. Using the last two winters as guides, storage withdrawals from now until the end of the season ranged from 51 Bcf to 81 Bcf. If either the low or high case were to happen this year, storage inventories would exit the season at a high of 69 Bcf or 39 Bcf, both of which would be a 10-year low for PG&E storage.