中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯胡志明市10月9日消息称,业内消息人士在2018越南胡志明国际塑料橡胶工业展会场外表示,越南的聚乙烯价格预计将在2019年初走弱,原因是树脂进口增长超过个位数的需求增长。
海关数据显示,沙特阿拉伯是越南2018年度 PE进口的主要来源,为62000公吨/月,比2017年增加10000公吨/月。
曹海斌 摘译自 普氏能源资讯
VietnamPlas: Vietnam's polyethyelene prices seen set to weaken in early 2019 as imports outpate demand
Vietnam's polyethylene prices are expected to weaken in early 2019 as surging resin imports outpace single-digit demand growth, industry sources said on the sidelines of VietnamPlas 2018 in Ho Chi Minh City.
Vietnam's imports of US-origin PE were estimated to have surged to 10,000-20,000 mt/month in August and September, industry sources said.
This is up from imports of 6,300 mt in July, and from 3,500 mt/month over the first half of 2018, the sources said.
Traders such as Tricon, Vinmar and OPEC Plastics have been heard buying US-origin PE and repacking it for import to Vietnam, but the extent of the "trade war bump" will only be seen only after Vietnam compiles official customs data for the fourth quarter, the sources said.
Saudi Arabia was Vietnam's main source of PE imports at 62,000 mt/month over H1 2018, up 10,000 mt/month from 2017, customs data showed.
Vietnam's overall PE demand growth for 2019 is estimated at 7%-10%, according to a survey of major traders in the country.
While some market participants said overall PE growth of up to 15% was possible next year, many sources did not expect general purpose high density polyethylene and linear low density polyethylene demand to grow as strongly as in past years.
"In Vietnam, PE is used [extensively] in shopping bags. For export markets like the EU and US, there has been a push to be more environmentally conscientious, so customers are asking for better quality film and recycled or biodegradable bags," a Mitsubishi Vietnam trader said.
High density bimodal grades and C6 or C8 Metallocene LLDPE will likely to see strong growth because they can be used to create better quality packaging, while LLDPE and LDPE growth is expected to be tepid in the short term, the trader added.
"Multilayer [film] for packaging and construction PE like pipe grade demand is increasing [quickly] as a segment," an OPEC plastic manager said, adding that growth may be up to 20% next year in these segments.?