中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站9月12日休斯敦报道,厄瓜多尔政府日前启动了奥连特盆地8个陆上区块勘探权的招标。
这8个按照产量分成条款提供的陆上区块分别被命名为Charapa区块、Chanangue区块、Perico区块、Iguana区块、 Sahino区块、Panayacu Norte区块、Espejo区块和Araza Este区块。这8个陆上区块都位于苏昆比奥斯省已建立油气田附近。
李峻 编译自 OGJ
Ecuador opens onshore licensing round
Ecuador’s government has opened bidding for exploratory rights to eight onshore blocks in the Oriente basin. The blocks, offered under production-sharing terms, are labeled Charapa, Chanangue, Perico, Iguana, Sahino, Panayacu Norte, Espejo, and Araza Este. All are near established oil and gas fields in Sucumbios Province.
The Ministry of Energy and Nonrenewable Resources will accept bids in Ecuador’s seventh licensing round until mid-January and plans to sign contracts by mid-March.
Prospective bidders will be screened according to their financial and technical capacities, abilities to operate licenses with at least 40% interests, and polices for health, safety, and environment.