中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月2日消息,意大利能源公司埃尼公司周三表示,公司已经赢得了印尼Kutei盆地East Ganal深水勘探区块100%的参与权益。
埃尼表示,East Ganal深水勘探区块面积约为5100平方公里。
唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯
Italy's Eni Awarded Exploration Block in Indonesia
Italian energy company ENI SpA (ENI.MI) on Wednesday said that it has won a 100% participating interest in the East Ganal deepwater exploration block in Indonesia's Kutei Basin.
Eni said the project will allow for more availability and flexibility in the supply of gas both for the Indonesian market and for export. The project will also help strengthen Eni's position in the liquefied natural gas market in Asia, it said.
The East Ganal exploration block has an area of about 5,100 square kilometers, the company said.