中国石化新闻网讯 据国外媒体1月11日莫斯科报道,根据最新统计数据,俄气2016年生产了4190.7亿立方米的天然气。
李峻 编译
Gazprom produced 419.07 billion cubic meters of gas in 2016 11, 2017/Moscow
According to the most recent data, Gazprom produced 419.07 billion cubic meters of gas in 2016, which was some 11 billion cubic meters more than planned and 0.57 billion cubic meters more than in 2015. We are always responsive to the market demand and extract as much gas as consumers need. However, our production potential exceeds the actual annual output by over 150 billion cubic meters. This allows us to rapidly boost gas supplies within and beyond Russia so as to meet consumption peaks during the winter months.