据World Energy News网站3月15日华沙/哥本哈根报道,波兰国有天然气管道系统运营商Gaz-System周二(15日)在华沙表示,该公司和丹麦国有天然气管道系统运营商Energinet.dk时下正在寻求建造一条连接两国天然气管道系统管线的可能性。
波兰和丹麦天然气运营商打算与几家顾问公司合作在今年年底前完成这条被称为波罗的海管道(Baltic Pipe)的管线的可行性研究。
顾问公司包括丹麦Ramboll工程公司、丹麦BSiPG 天然气项目公司和安永会计师事务所(E&Y)。
李峻 编译
Polish, Danish Gas Operators Looking into Building Link
World Energy News
March 15, 2016
Poland's state gas system operator Gaz-System and Denmark's operator Energinet.dk are looking into the possibility of building a link to connect the two systems, the Polish operator said on Tuesday.
The operators aim to complete a feasibility study of the link, called the Baltic Pipe, by the end of 2016 in cooperation with advisors Ramboll Danmark and BSiPG Gazoprojekt as well as E&Y.