据道琼斯9月8日消息,摩根士丹利大宗商品研究部门主管Adam Longson表示,2016年上半年前石油价格可能仍然承压,并将继续受到汇率波动、技术因素、中国方面消息以及石油供应数据的影响。他预计2015年全球原油的实际供应过剩量将低于需求增速,但随着伊朗恢复原油出口,供应过剩的局面仍无法消除。他补充道:“因此未来12个月内布伦特油价可能区间波动。他补充道,油市的震荡程度应高企。
Oil Prices to Remain Depressed Through 1H 2016
[Dow Jones] Oil prices are likely to remain depressed through the first half of 2016 and continue to trade on the back of currency movements, technicals, headlines about China, and oil supply data, Adam Longson, head of commodities research at Morgan Stanley says. He estimates that the actual global crude oil oversupply in 2015 will be less than the demand growth, but new exports from Iran will still feed a glut.