据道琼斯8月19日消息,毕马威会计事务所油气上游咨询业务负责人Emma Wild表示,油价的继续不确定和市场对于油价稳定或复苏的时间点缺乏认同,正在阻止油气并购交易价格的回升。她表示:“一旦市场参与各方对未来油价曲线有着一致的观点时,资产的评估差价应该缩小,交易也将在更加理性的水平上进行磋商。”然而,随着伊朗、沙特和美国产量的增加,油价表现进一步恶化,资产出售方或许被迫尽早采取行动,同意以更低的交易价格成交。
Continued Uncertainty on Oil Price Direction Limiting M&A, says KPMG
Continued uncertainty on oil prices and the lack of a market-wide consensus on the timing of its stabilization or recovery are preventing a large uptick in mergers and acquisitions, says Emma Wild, head of upstream advisory at KPMG. "Once all parties have a common view on forward pricing curves, the valuation gap on assets should diminish and deals can be negotiated at a sensible level," she says. However, with increasing production in Iran, Saudi Arabia and the U.S. further depressing oil prices, companies may be forced to act sooner rather than later and agree on lower valuations in order to get deals done, she adds.